Our college and educational transition services are designed to provide comprehensive support to students entering a new academic program with learning, attentional, neurological, or mental health related challenges that can allow them to both succeed and thrive in their new learning environment.
Our empowerment and integrative approach is focused on the whole person and is grounded in contemporary research from the fields of education, psychology, and interpersonal neurobiology and can be accessed either individually or together with a group of peers who are also embarking on their journey to college or a new academic program.
Individual Program
Students transitioning to college or a new academic program can take part in the same program individually, whether in person or through live video conferencing. This option is excellent for individuals and families that have a busy summer that makes attending our group program a challenge.
Parent Coaching and Support
Research has demonstrated that parent support plays a critical role in the success of students in college or another academic program. Our parent coaching and support services are individually tailored to your family’s unique needs to foster your child’s success in school and beyond.